So, you want to be a Copywriter?

5 Steps to Get Started in a Career in Copywriting!

So you have a way to words AND you love to write! A career in copywriting may be the perfect fit for you. Copywriting is a specialized form of writing that involves creating promotional materials such as ads, brochures, and website content, with the goal of persuading people to take action.

If you want to start a career in copywriting, here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Develop Your Writing Skills The first step to becoming a copywriter is to develop your writing skills. Copywriting requires strong writing skills, including the ability to write in a clear, concise, and engaging way. You can hone your writing skills by reading books, blogs, and articles on writing, as well as practicing writing on a regular basis. Check out this post with my best tips on developing your writing skills.

  2. Learn About the Industry To be successful as a copywriter, you need to understand the industry and the different types of copywriting. There are many resources available online that can help you learn more about copywriting, including blogs, podcasts, and online courses.

  3. Build Your Portfolio One of the most important things you can do as a copywriter is to build your portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of your best work that showcases your skills and experience as a copywriter. You can start building your portfolio by creating sample projects, volunteering to write copy for local businesses, or taking on freelance projects.

  4. Network with Other Copywriters Networking is an important part of any career, and copywriting is no exception. Joining copywriting groups on social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook can help you connect with other copywriters and learn about job opportunities.

  5. Look for Job Opportunities Once you have developd your skills, built your portfolio, and made connections with other copywriters, it's time to start looking for job opportunities. You can find copywriting jobs on job boards, freelance marketplaces, or by reaching out to companies directly. My favorite way to find freelance work is to start with my network! More on that later.

Copywriting can be such a great career for someone that loves the freedom to be their own boss! It takes hard work and dedication, but it’s also an exciting field.

A great place to start is developing your writing skills. Check out my best tips on improving your copywriting!

If you are looking for someone to help you with your copywriting needs for your business, I’m here to help! Check out my services and let’s talk.


What is Copywriting?